Past Productions
"Constellations" - Grand Rapids, MI
written by Nick Payne
directed by Eric Hand
featuring Linnae Caurdy as Marianne
presented in association with Freshwater Performance Lab
September 19th - 28th, 2019
"Perchance to Dream" - Grand Rapids, MI
Adapted & Co-Directed by Tara Bouldrey
Co-Directed by Linnae Caurdy
Presented as a part of ArtPrize 10
September 22nd - October 5th, 2018
"Attention Earthlings!" - Chicago, IL
Curated by Justin Michael Dietzel
Directed by Natividad Uehara
Presented as a part of Climate Change Theatre Action
October 14th & 15th, 2017
"Hope Wanted" - Chicago, IL
Written & Directed by Justin Michael Dietzel
Choreography by Tara Bouldrey
Made possible by a grant from Roosevelt University
January 13th - 15th, 2017